Posts Tagged ‘blood donation’

Music: Stevie Ray Vaughn: Life Without You

I don’t really want to write a blog post today, or this week for that matter. I plan on taking this out on you by rambling more than usual.

Oh but the blog-o-sphere is so hungry. It craves content constantly. Like the millions of baby birds everywhere squawking for some of mommas chewed worm pate, the interwebs, I feel, do so hunger for my half wit rants and gross out humor.

So this should be an interesting post for a few reasons: (aside from the ever present fact that I find myself quite charming) 1) this is coming from my phone, and 2) I’m giving blood. As in right now. Arm pierced and leaking as we speak. Er. Blog. I don’t know how many people would live blog a blood donation, but such is just my devotion to the craft.

Apparently I am a stubborn bleeder. Barely got enough blood out for the tests. I take this to mean I have super powers akin to wolverine.

You see, the claws were not actually Wolverine’s mutant power…ah forget it

It always freaks the attendants out a little when I want to watch the needle go in my arm, can’t help it. But they are always impressed with my rather sizable veins. And really, who isn’t.

Normally I am a pro at this. In my lifetime I have given literal gallons of my collective blood. I did pass out once in high school when me and a friend decided to race. Poor decision.

Just so you know I contemplated posting a picture for you. I will instead subject you to a few of my favorite blood puns:

I just always feel so drained after giving blood. I feel like I like I left a part of my behind. Stop needling me with all you questions. Prick.

Donation bag walks into a bar. Bartender says ‘what are ya having?’ Bag says ‘Bloody Mary, extra bloody.’

I could keep going.

So I’m giving doubles, which means they take your blood and spin it to separate the red blood cells from the plasma. That way you can give twice as much. I have always thought plasma looks like beer. Would you get drunk if you got a transfusion from someone who was drunk when they gave blood? Scientists?

Anybody want to test this theory? I’ll get you a funnel, give it a go?

I don’t have any particularly interesting updates on my knee to share with you. I’m working diligently on my hamstring, and cannot yet do 15 lbs on the hamstring curl machine. My ego, bruised, but my knee? Improving steady.

Well I’m finishing (filling) up here, so my attentions are required elsewhere, like making sure I don’t pass out, eating free cookies, chatting up the old folks, etc.

Stay tuned! See you next week!

I rather liked this guy. He’s like Mickey Mouse, except, you know, made of your blood (!!!)