Hamstring: the pain in my butt

Posted: August 10, 2012 in Uncategorized
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I’ve literally been trying to work that into a blog post for weeks. Finally found a reason to. By the way if you aren’t watching and you’re thinking: is Tyrion (the little guy) that awesome throughout the show? Yes. Yes he is.

I’m well aware for the last two weeks I have posted infrequently and not about my knee. I have this conversation with myself a lot lately about this blog:

And yes, I have a blog, therefore I talk to myself.

Your knee is almost better, It’s not exciting or funny to write about anymore now that you are walking like a normal human instead of a zombie.

No one wants to read about a guy who is doing 3/4 of a normal workout routine.

Well you know what I say? It’s not about you.

Me. Whatever.

So my knee and the subsequent scar kind of resembles this guy. How was he supposed to sell us hamburgers as kids?

So Tyrion says know what you are, bastard, and I will attempt to leave my machismo at the door. I’ve had a serious knee injury, it’s taking a while to come back, and sooner or later I had to do it:  I went out and bought a knee brace today. I felt it necessary because although my doctor says no brace ever, lots of other people everywhere tell me a brace will probably be a good idea.

It’s not the Phillip Rivers model: lock your knee in place so all you have to do is stand there and throw the ball brace

Still working on strengthening the knee, but the issue know has been the hamstring where they harvested the tendon. I’ve been doing lots of dead lifts and turkish get-ups. Balancing on one foot and kicking a soccer ball, this odd crab-walk kind of shuffle with a band around my ankles and I’ve been introduced to the slide board. Kind of like speed skating on a little plastic strip.

The only other time I can remember seeing this used was by Ben Stiller in Heavy Weights. Feel the burn. Who’s there with me?

Also today was the first round of ‘jump training.’ Which is basically a really painful version of bunny hopping. Once again, oh my poor ego.

I’ve also been obsessed with the olympics, and writing about it at hammertimesports. Check it out, it’s pretty fun.

Do you need more Tyrion? Of course you do. Some of these are out of context perhaps, but still, enjoy.

Once again, a better looking representation for what I’m doing with my life

  1. jenn says:

    my hamstring is being such a bother! every day that i have PT i do a dynamic warm-up that involves walking on my heels, and every damn time i stop after fifteen feet because the pain from my harvest site is really and truly THAT bad. consider me your biggest empathizer.

    • JGerber says:

      Jenn I like to consider that we (and there are a few of us knee surgery bloggers) are going through this together. Keep at it! have a good weekend!

  2. Has your PT ever made you do this exercise where you sit on a rolling stool/chair and dig your heels into the ground to roll forward? That gets my hamstrings hurting the most!
    And I know you’re 3 months out now, but just out of curiosity, are you cleared to start running?

    • JGerber says:

      Hey there! Thanks for the read. I always like to meet fellow people who got injured and saw that as opportunity to write about stuff. Lemonade eh?

      That hamstring exercise sounds like something that I could easily embarrass myself on. My PT likes to make me put my legs in the TRX straps and bring them in to my body. Feels kind of like someone is sitting on the back of my legs.

      No running yet, though they say I’m supposed to have a test soon to see if I’m ready for it. Whatever THAT means… I’m doing ‘jumps’ now, which is like being terrified about hoping three inches.

      I’ll look forward to more posts about your recovery! Keep grinding!

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